Help to stop the spread of Ash Dieback

Ash dieback, otherwise known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is a fungus which was introduced to Europe over 30 years ago and is having a serious impact on our native ash species.

Because our native ash trees did not evolve with the fungus, this means it has no natural defect against it and it is believed we are going to lose around 80% of our ash trees in the UK because of it.

Ash dieback can affect ash trees of all ages, however, younger trees generally succumb to the disease quicker. You can tell if a tree has this disease if the leaves develop dark patches in the summer months, discolour to black and shed early.

Also, if lesions develop where the branches meet the trunk, it can mean the tree has become victim of the disease.

Gardeners with ash trees can help stop the local spread of ash dieback by collecting the fallen ash leaves and burning, burying or deep composting them. This disrupts the fungus’s lifecycle.

Also, you can help by cleaning your shoes before and after visiting a wood, avoiding taking cuttings or plant material from the countryside back home, and wash your car or bike wheels of mud and plant matter all of which could avoid the spread of the fungus.

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